Rules of Civility

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Just yesterday my sisters and I found ourselves embroiled in a conversation about the way our children behave in public, and at home, towards us, and towards others. We were each trying to be empathetic and give our best advice but all felt a little bit like we were floundering...grasping at straws. What a coincidence, then, that when I sat down in the afternoon to start schoolwork with my own little ones, THIS was the 1st line I read in our opening exercises:
"Every action in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those present." -excerpt, George Washington's Rules of Civility; The Book of Virtues, edited by William J. Bennett
Yes! This is what we all need to hear!


Are you familiar with George Washington's Rules of Civility? Admittedly, I have heard of them in the past but had not read them or studied them before.  In brief, it is a list of 110 rules by which young boys were expected to live their lives in the mid-1700's. George Washington was believed to have written his notebook full of rules as part of a school copywork assignment referencing even earlier works of Roman Catholic monks.

When you read them, the rules are absolutely still applicable today. One author noted, "If they were good enough for our 1st president, they certainly will do for my teenager today." Here are a few examples:
"Show not yourself glad at the misfortune of another, though he were your enemy."
"Be not hasty to believe flying reports to the disparagement of anyone."
"Play not the peacock, looking everywhere about you to see if you be well decked, if your shoes fit well, if your stockings set neatly and clothes handsomely."
I have decided my boys will benefit from a focused review of George Washington's rules.  To do so, I ordered these versions:

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The first is a short hardcover copy of the rules with brief explanations and historical references occasionally noted. The second contains a short lesson with each rule that applies directly to our lives in 2019. The sample pages include suggestions on how to apply the rules to technology use, social media, our busy lifestyles, and modern day clothes.

In researching, I also want to share these other possible variations...choose the one that works best for your family and let's all try working on being a little more civil with our friends and family...

Audio Book

National Geographic Kids

Includes other George Washington speeches and writings

Translated into modern day language

Copy Work Book with section to paraphrase

Copywork in cursive
Which version is going to work best for your family?
Rules of Civility Rules of Civility Reviewed by Michelle H on 10:21 AM Rating: 5

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